Natalie Brady
Magnify Program Director
Building Empathy Script Writer
Voiceover, Building Empathy Intro Video 2 +Section 3 (The World of Bias)

Natalie serves as Magnify Education’s Program Director, and she is also the words behind the Building Empathy program, as well as the voiceover for the Introductory Video 2 and Section 2.
Natalie holds a Certificate in Diversity & Inclusion for HR from Cornell University. Her undergraduate degrees are from Northern Kentucky University (NKU) in Jazz Studies Performance and English, and she graduated with Honors. During her time at NKU, Natalie centered a majority of focus in mindfulness techniques, implicit bias, and Title IX Policies & Procedures.
Natalie was one of two students chosen for the committee to rewrite NKU’s Title IX Policies & Procedures, and she worked with the on-campus Violence Prevention Center.
She also has a variety of experience in writing, as a published children’s author and beta reader; communications and media; and events and crisis management.
In her free time, Natalie teaches visual technique and dance for Cincinnati Tradition Drum and Bugle Corps, where she also writes choreography; she also designs and writes shows for marching bands and indoor percussion programs. In addition, Natalie is a jazz singer with the Gatsby Gang Jazz Band, performing for corporate events around the country.